Monday, April 19, 2010

entry 66

a well needed break...

My sister had spring break this week so she graciously agreed to have mama mia stay with her a couple of days. I took mom down Thursday afternoon and picked her up last night.

While mom was down there Jackie would call and ask...
Is it normal for her to constantly pace around?
Is it normal for her to constantly change her clothes?
Mom says it's getting dark, shouldn't we leave?

Quinn speaks with her on the phone...
She sounds like she's had a stroke!

Quite frankly mom didn't want to stay with Jackie.
Jackie had, had a tough week and mom said she was too depressing to be around.
I told mom that was why she needed to be there, to help Jackie.

mom became agitated
her face bright red
she started to cry
dont' leave me here!!!

So here's the picture...
Jackie's crying
mom's crying

{I really truly felt bad for both Jackie and mom
both will survive for a couple of days}

I went outside and called my dad...

OM he__!
I'm living in he__ dad!
He LOL. So did I.

That's all you can do.

New mission statement...

at the end of the day, it's all good!

{terrible cell phone pic}

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